Goals as a Mozilla Rep for fourth quarter of 2016!

Posted by Sanyam Khurana on Wed 12 October 2016

I was given this task by my mentor to write down my goals as a Mozilla Rep and then track down my activities every quarter to know where I'm heading.

So, for the last quarter of 2016, the areas where I'd be focusing on are the following:

  • Contribute code actively & extensively in one of the modules of Mozilla's gecko engine.
  • Learn about different tracks on Activate Mozilla Campaign and spread awareness among others.
  • Improve upon my public speaking skills; giving back knowledge to the community.
  • Motivate & help others to contribute to Mozilla.
  • Advance deeper into leadership startegies and techniques.

I hope that in this quarter, I'll be able to work through majority of goals mentioned above.

After the end of the quarter, I'll track my progress through the above checklist.

tags: mozilla, remo

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