Finally Mozilla Dev Tools Bug patched

Posted by Sanyam Khurana on Tue 08 March 2016

Alright, finally it's done. I patched the Mozilla Dev Tools bug. with help of my mentor Patrick Brosset (pbro). He was the one who helped me with getting started to land my first patch in Mozilla-Central. He is indeed very helpful and I'm greatful to him for being my mentor. We had regular chat on irc and he helped me in explaining various aspects about this bug, how the files are inter-linked and of course, with my silly doubts.

So, this bug was essentially spreaded over many files, unlike the very first bug I solved. While I wrote the patch in around 2 days for this, it was stuck due the test I had to write. One after another, storm of exams and other things crushed me so hard that I was not able to write the test for it. But then, I decided to do it and started studying the test file, contacted pbro on irc and took help and there I was with this bug patched.

pbro also gives me detailed code-review about every patch I write and it helps me a lot in improving my coding skills. I've learned about coding-standards and some really good practices in CSS and JS.

Now, I'm gonna pick up some more bugs and learn along the way.

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